Articles about PICOECONOMICS with Ainslie as an author
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Money as MacGuffin: A factor in gambling and other process addictions by George Ainslie. In Neil Levy, ed., The Mechanisms of Self-Control: Lessons from Addiction. Oxford University Press, in press.
Intertemporal bargaining predicts moral behavior in anonymous, one-shot economic games by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, in press.
Grasping the impalpable: The role of endogenous reward in process addictions by George Ainslie. Inquiry, in press.
Picoeconomics in neural and evolutionary contexts by George Ainslie. In Peter Hall, ed., Social Neuroscience and Public Health, 3-18. Springer, 2013.
PURE HYPERBOLIC DISCOUNT CURVES PREDICT "EYES OPEN" SELF-CONTROL by George Ainslie. Theory and Decision, 73, 3-34, 2012. doi: 10.1007/s11238-011-9272-5
Moderators of the association between brain activation and farsighted choice by Shan Luo, George Ainslie, Drusus Pollini, Lisa Giragosian & John R. Monterosso. Neuroimage, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.08.004..
Drugs' rapid payoffs distort evaluation of their instrumental uses by George Ainslie Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34(6), 311-312, 2011
- Striatal hyposensitivity to delayed rewards among cigarette smokers by S. Luo, L., G. Giragosian, G. Ainslie & J. Monterosso. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 116, 18-23, 2011: PMID: 21177048.
- “FREE WILL” AS RECURSIVE SELF-PREDICTION: DOES A DETERMINISTIC MECHANISM REDUCE RESPONSIBILITY? by George Ainslie. In George Graham and Jeffrey Poland, edsAddiction and Responsibility, 55-87. MIT Press, 2011.
- Review of Herbert Gintis’ “The Bounds of Reason: Game Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sciences.” by George Ainslie. Journal of Economic Psychology 32, 201-204, 2011.
THE CORE PROCESS IN ADDICTIONS AND OTHER IMPULSES: HYPERBOLIC DISCOUNTING VERSUS CONDITIONING AND FRAMING by George Ainslie. In D. Ross, H. Kincaid, D. Spurrett, and P. Collins, eds., What Is Addiction? 211-245. MIT Press, 2010.
Neural recruitment during self-control of smoking: A pilot fMRI study. by John Monterosso, Traci Mann, Andrew Ward, George Ainslie, Jennifer Bramen, Arthur Brody and Edith D. London. In D. Ross, H. Kincaid, D. Spurrett, and P. Collins, eds., What Is Addiction? MIT, 2010
Procrastination, the basic impulse by George Ainslie. In Chrisoula Andreou and Mark White, eds., The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination, 11-27. New York, Oxford, 2010.
Recursive self-prediction as a proximate cause of impulsivity: The value of a bottom-up model by George Ainslie. In Gregory Madden and Warren Bickel, eds., Impulsivity: The Behavioral and Neurological Science of Discounting. Washington, D.C., APA Books, pp. 389-410, 2010.
The relationship between addiction and reward: An experiment comparing smokers and non-smokers. by André Hofmeyr, George Ainslie, Richard Charlton and Don Ross. Addiction 106, 402-409, 2010.
Non-instrumental belief is largely founded on singularity by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32, 511-512, 2009.
Behavioral and neural evidence of incentive bias for immediate rewards relative to preference-matched delayed rewards by S. Luo, L., G. Giragosian, G. Ainslie & J. Monterosso. Journal of Neuroscience 29(47), 14820-14827, 2009.
Responsibility in a reductionist model of the self by George Ainslie. In Craig Hanson, Thinking about Addiction: Hyperbolic Discounting and Responsible Agency. New York, Rodopi, pp. 95-113, 2009.
Recursive self-prediction in self-control and its failure by George Ainslie. In Sven Ove Hansson and Till Grune-Yanoff (eds) Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics, and Psychology. Springer, pp. 139-158, 2009.
The picoeconomic approach to addictions: Analyzing the conflict of successive motivational states by John Monterosso & George Ainslie. Addiction Research and Theory 17 (2), 115-134, 2009.
Vulnerabilities to addiction must have their impact through the common currency of discounted reward by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31, 438-439, 2008.
Foresight has to pay off in the present moment by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30, 313-314, 2007
Frontoparietal cortical activity of methamphetamine-dependent and comparison subjects performing a delay discounting task by John Monterosso, George Ainslie, Jiansong Xu, Xochitl Cordova, Catherine Domier, and Edythe D. London. Human Brain Mapping 28, 383-393, 2007
The behavioral economics of will in recovery from addiction by John Monterosso & George Ainslie. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 90, S100-S111, 2007
Game theory can build higher mental processes from lower ones by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 30, 16-18. 2007
CAN THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS PROVE ANYTHING ABOUT THE WILL? by George Ainslie In D. Spurrett, D. Ross, H. Kincaid and L. Stephens, Eds., Distributed Cognition and the Will: Individual Volition and Social Context, 169-196. MIT, 2007
What good are facts? The “drug” value of money as an examplar of all non-instrumental value by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 29, 176-177. 2006
Motivation must be momentary by George Ainslie. In J. Elster, O. Gjelsvik, A. Hylland and Moene, K, eds., Understanding Choice, Explaining Behaviour. Unipub Forlag. 2006.
Emotion: The gaping hole in economic theory by George Ainslie. In B. Montero and M. D. White, Eds., Economics and the Mind, 11-28. Routledge, 2006.
A SELECTIONIST MODEL OF THE EGO: IMPLICATIONS FOR SELF-CONTROL by George Ainslie. In Natalie Sebanz and Wolfgang Prinz, Eds., Disorders of Volition, 119-149. MIT Press, 2006.
Cruelty may be a self-control device against sympathy by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29, 224-225, 2006
You can’t give permission to be a bastard: Empathy and self-signalling as uncontrollable independent variables in bargaining games by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28, 815-816, 2005
PRÉCIS OF BREAKDOWN OF WILL by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28(5), 635-673, 2005.
Why not emotions as motivated behaviors? by George Ainslie. Behavior and Brain Sciences 28, 194-195, 2005
The psychology of intertemporal discounting: Why are distant events valued differently from proximal ones? by Dilip Soman, George Ainslie, Shane Frederick, Li Xiuiping, John Lynch, Page Moreau, Andrew Mitchell, Daniel Read, Alan Sawyer, Yaacov Trope, Klaus Wertenbroch and Gal Zauberman. Marketing Letters 16, 347-360, 2005
Emotion as motivated behavior by George Ainslie. In Lola Canamero, Ed., Agents that Want and Like: Motivational and Emotional Roots of Cognition and Action (Proceedings of a Symposium at the Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour’05 Convention, Hatfield, UK). AISB pp. 1-8. ISBN 1 902056 41 7, 2005.
The self is virtual, the will is not illusory by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27, 659-660, 2004.
Gods are more flexible than resolutions by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27, 730-731, 2004.
A marketplace in the brain? by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. Science 306, 421-423, 2004
Will as intertemporal bargaining: Implications for rationality by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. Penn Law Review 151: 825-862, 2003.
Hyperbolic discounting as a factor in addiction: A critical analysis by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. In Rudy R.Vuchinich & Nick Heather (Eds.), Choice, Behavioural Economics, and Addiction. Oxford UK, Pergamon, 2003, pp. 35-62
UNCERTAINTY AS WEALTH by George Ainslie. Behavioral Processes 64, 369-385, 2003
Will as intertemporal bargaining: Implications for rationality by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 151, 2003
BUILDING BLOCKS OF SELF-CONTROL: INCREASED TOLERANCE FOR DELAY WITH BUNDLED REWARDS by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 79, 37-48, 2003
- Game theory need not abandon individual maximization by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. Behavioral and Brain Science 26, 171, 2003.
The Effect of Hyperbolic Discounting on Personal Choices by George Ainslie. Keynote speech to the thematic session, "Personal Choice and Change" at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August 22, 2002
The fragility of cooperation: An empirical study employing false-feedback in a sequential interated prisoner's dilemma by John Monterosso, George Ainslie, Pamela Toppi-Mullen & Barbara Gault. Journal of Economic Psychology 23, 437-448, 2002.
Hyperbolic discounting lets empathy be a motivated process by George Ainslie & John Monterosso. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25, 20-21, 2002.
Altruism is a primary impulse, not a discipline by George Ainslie & Nick Haslam. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25, 251, 2002.
BREAKDOWN OF WILL by George Ainslie. New York: Cambridge U., 2001. ISBN: 0-521-59694-7.
A research-based theory of addictive motivation by George Ainslie. Law and Philosophy 19, 77-115, 2000.
Assessing substance abuse: An automated self-report inventory by Ronald J. Pekala, George Ainslie, Nancy C. Elliott et. al. Federal Practitioner 17:6, 27-39, 2000.
Beyond discounting: Possible experimental models of impulse control by John Monterosso & George Ainslie. Psychopharmacology, 146, 339-347, 1999.
The intuitive explanation of passionate mistakes, and why it is not adequate by George Ainslie. In Jon Elster, Ed. Addiction: Entries and Exits. New York: Sage, pp. 209-238, 1999.
The psychological discount rate by George Ainslie. In Peter E. Earl and Simon Kemp, Eds., The Elgar Companion to Consumer Research and Economic Psychology, pp. 472-479, 1999.
The dangers of willpower by George Ainslie. In Jon Elster and Ole-Jorgen Skog, Eds. Getting Hooked: Rationality and Addiction. Cambridge U., pp. 65-92, 1999.
Picoeconomics: A bargaining model of the will and its lapses by George Ainslie. In Lennart Sjoberg, Richard P. Bagozzi, and David Ingvar, Eds. Will and Economic Behavior. Stockholm: Economic Research Institute of the Stockholm School of Economics, pp. 163-174, 1998.
Clinical trial of an automated psycho-social history by George Ainslie, John Monterosso, Pat Cristaudo & Joseph Armstrong. Federal Practitioner 15:3, 53-57,1998.
Intention isn't indivisible by George Ainslie & Barbara Gault. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20, 365-366, 1997.
If belief is a behavior, what controls it? by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20, 103-104, 1997.
How do people choose between local and global bookkeeping? by George Ainslie. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19, 574-575, 1996.
Studying self-regulation the hard way by George Ainslie. Psychological Inquiry 7, 16-20, 1996.
A utility-maximizing mechanism for vicarious reward by George Ainslie. Rationality and Society 7, 393-403, 1995.
A picoeconomic rationale for social constructionism by George Ainslie. Behavior and Philosophy 21, 63-75, 1993.
Self-control by George Ainslie & Nick Haslam. In: G. Loewenstein & J. Elster, Eds., Choice Over Time. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 177-209, 1992.
Hyperbolic discounting by George Ainslie & Nick Haslam. In: G. Loewenstein & J. Elster, Eds., Choice Over Time. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 57-92, 1992.
PICOECONOMICS: THE STRATEGIC INTERACTION OF SUCCESSIVE MOTIVATIONAL STATES WITHIN THE PERSON by George Ainslie. New York: Cambridge University, 1992 [Reprinted in paperback edition, 2010.]. ISBN: 0-521-26093-0.
Derivation of 'rational' economic behavior from hyperbolic discount curves by George Ainslie. American Economic Review,81:334-340, 1991.
Freud and picoeconomics by George Ainslie. Behaviorism 17:11-19, 1989.
Matching is the integrating framework by George Ainslie. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11::679-680, 1988.
Self-reported tactics of impulse control by George Ainslie. International Journal of the Addictions, 22:167-179, 1987
Aversion with only one factor by George Ainslie. In: M. Commons, J. Mazur, J. Nevin and H. Rachlin, Eds., Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, Volume 5: Reinforcement Value: Delay and Intervening Events, 127-139. Erlbaum, 1987.
Beyond microeconomics: Conflict among interests in a multiple self as a determinant of value by George Ainslie. In: J. Elster, Ed., The Multiple Self, 133-175. Cambridge, U.K., Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Manipulation: Theoretical and historical perspectives by George Ainslie. In: M. Nichols and T. Paolino, Eds., The Basic Techniques of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, 127-166 New York: Gardner, 1986.
Rationality and the emotions: A picoeconomic approach by George Ainslie. Social Science Information (London) 24:355-374, 1985.
Behavior is what can be reinforced by George Ainslie. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8:53-54, 1985.
Behavioral economics II: Motivated, involuntary behavior by George Ainslie. Social Science Information (London) 23:47-78, 1984.
The motives of the will by George Ainslie & V. Haendel. In: E. Gottheil, K. A. Druley, T. E. Skoloda and H. Waxman, Eds., Etiologic Aspects of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 110-140. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1983.
A behavioral economic approach to the defense mechanisms: Freud's energy theory revisited by George Ainslie. Social Science Information (London) 21(6):735-779, 1982.
- Internal self-control in pigeons by George Ainslie. Unpublished manuscript, 1982.
Preference reversal and delayed reinforcement by George Ainslie & Richard J. Herrnstein. Animal Learning and Behavior 9:476-482, 1981.
The application of economic concepts to the motivational conflict in alcoholism by George Ainslie & Elmer J. Schaefer. In: E. Gottheil, A.T. McLellan and K. A. Druley, Eds., Patient Needs and Treatment Methods, 215-245. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1981.
Specious reward: A behavioral theory of impulsiveness and impulse control by George Ainslie. Psychological Bulletin 82:473-496, 1975.
Alteration of classically conditioned heart rate by operant reinforcement in monkeys by George Ainslie & Bernard T. Engel. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 87:373-383, 1974.
Impulse control in pigeons by George Ainslie. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 21:485-489, 1974.
Ainslie, G. Experiment described (pp. 186-188) in Howard Rachlin, Introduction to Modern Behaviorism.San Francisco: Freeman, 1970.
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